A Left Leaning Blog with Possible Comic Overtones
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Friday, September 20, 2013
Cutler's In And Lepage's Antics Continue
No surprise, Eliot Cutler will throw his hat into the ring early next week. Judging from the reaction to Cutler from many on the Facebook page, Lepage Must Go, he is reviled for causing Lepage to be our Governor in 2010. I prefer to blame the 37% of voters who supported LeRage. I am rooting for Mike Michaud, however, if it looks like Cutler is leading in late October,2014, I might well cast my vote for him.

All I know, for the many Mainers who have suffered and will suffer under another possible Lepage term, I pray that we can beat him next year. His latest grand standing involves a trip to Central Maine Medical Center to tout his repayment of debt to hospitals. In true Publishers Clearing House style, he had giant checks with the amount each hospital will receive. The subject line of these mammoth checks reads "welfare debt," as if to pound home that it is the poor of the state that rely on Mainecare who are to blame. What a fool Lepage is. A cruel fool. Thankfully a reality check in the form of a representatve of the Maine People's Alliance interrupted the circus sideshow. The gentleman was dressed as Uncle Sam and had his own huge check for the ammount Maine would get from the fed during the first three years of the Medicaid expansion. Too bad, so far, we aren'te getting it.
The Democrats in the legislature have not given up on the Medicaid expansion which Lepage has so foolishly refused to approve. In January they plan to keep trying, but I do not think any version of the expansion they could come up with would be agreeable to the Governor. You see, he sees those who would benefit as losers in the game of life and, naturally it follows that they are to blame for their own problems. Lepage buys into the old Horatio Alger story that he supposedly lived. It goes something like, you can start off ever so humble, but through hard work alone you can pull yourself up and be successful. While this may be true sometimes, people like Lepage tend to forget the people who have reached out helping hands to them during their struggle.. They also discount fate, or just plain luck, that helps people break through to success.
I will not go through he litany of reasons why the expansion is necessary again. It's too obvious and well known. I am starting to believe that Lepage and his allies somehow deep down realize that this health care would help many, but that they are sadists who take great joy in hurting people less fortunate. Or maybe they are just stupid. Is anyone that stupid?

The Democrats in the legislature have not given up on the Medicaid expansion which Lepage has so foolishly refused to approve. In January they plan to keep trying, but I do not think any version of the expansion they could come up with would be agreeable to the Governor. You see, he sees those who would benefit as losers in the game of life and, naturally it follows that they are to blame for their own problems. Lepage buys into the old Horatio Alger story that he supposedly lived. It goes something like, you can start off ever so humble, but through hard work alone you can pull yourself up and be successful. While this may be true sometimes, people like Lepage tend to forget the people who have reached out helping hands to them during their struggle.. They also discount fate, or just plain luck, that helps people break through to success.
I will not go through he litany of reasons why the expansion is necessary again. It's too obvious and well known. I am starting to believe that Lepage and his allies somehow deep down realize that this health care would help many, but that they are sadists who take great joy in hurting people less fortunate. Or maybe they are just stupid. Is anyone that stupid?
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The national news is alight with another story about our Governor here in Maine, Mr Paul Lepage. Apparently at a party for donors at a private citizen's house, he said that "Obama hates white people." The sources referenced in the reports wished to remain anonymous, so there is doubt in the air among his fans whether this was said at all.
Of course, it is ludicrous to think that a reputable paper like the Portland Press Herald, which originated the story, would make something like this up. The man has already given enough fodder to his enemies when it comes to dumb remarks. I need not got through the list. However, I am angry that none of the Republicans in attendance, who might have heard the comment, are coming forward publicly and admitting that Lepage said this. Don't they want a future for their party in Maine? I can't believe that a more moderate Republican hasn't jumped in to challenge Lepage in the Republican primary. If it was a moderate Republican in the Governor's office who was equally as at risk as the current Governor, I have no doubt that a tea party candidate would jump in.
This speaks to the clout that the Tea Party folks continue to have, even in a moderate state like Maine. Republicans don't want to cross them. The moderates like our Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe just hold their nose and support him. This is gutlessness and I cannot imagine it is good for the GOP as a whole.
On the other hand, these types of remarks from the governor tend to thrill his hardcore supporters who seem to be steadfastly behind him no matter what. Make no mistake, these people vote. I would even go so far as to say this solidifies his support with some folks who might have been turned off with some of his other actions. When Lepage resorts to the lowest common denominator, it may help him in the long run.
If indeed there is further concrete confirmation that Lepage made this inflammatory remark about the President, I hope it will be the catalyst needed to propel him out of office in 2014. From the looks of it, it will take a Democrat or an independent, not a moderate Republican, to make his exit happen.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Maine's Governor seems unable to stifle himself when it comes to making stupid and offensive comments. The latest one was made while he was trying out a jet fighter simulator at the Pratt & Whitney plant in North Berwick, Maine. Lepage joked that he'd like to find the Portland Press Herald building and then bomb it. Of course, like many a moron before him, he guffawed heartily at his own "joke."
This man may not have been born with a silver foot in his mouth, as Anne Richards said of George H.W. Bush, but he does seem to have permanent foot-in-mouth disease. Sadly, the 30-35 percent of the electorate that love him will think this latest comment is the height of hilarity. They'll say he is "plain spoken," he "tells it like it is," and that he's not "politically correct." But for most Mainers, every time he comes up with one of his juvenile "quips," we cringe, knowing that he does not represent most residents of our state.
Of course, his comments are simply a side show when compared to the harmful policies he has brought forth upon our great state. He blocked the Medicaid expansion thereby throwing many Mainers off the Mainecare rolls in January, and denying many more the opportunity to get vital coverage. He blocked the minimum wage increase, which, quite frankly, was modest. He vetoed a bill that would help parents find out what harmful chemicals might be used in the packaging of their children's food, and the list goes on.
I am still in hopes that somehow, when the legislature gets back to work in January, they can coerce a few more Republican legislators to support the expansion of Medicaid. I can't imagine they are not receiving backlash from their constituents on this issue. I do hope and pray that we can start the ground work for a Lepage defeat in November, so that the state can return to its former progressive path. Please, let the fates be kind and NOT allow us to split the anti-Lepage vote like we did in 2010. To quote the title of the facebook page I started,, Lepage Must Go!
This man may not have been born with a silver foot in his mouth, as Anne Richards said of George H.W. Bush, but he does seem to have permanent foot-in-mouth disease. Sadly, the 30-35 percent of the electorate that love him will think this latest comment is the height of hilarity. They'll say he is "plain spoken," he "tells it like it is," and that he's not "politically correct." But for most Mainers, every time he comes up with one of his juvenile "quips," we cringe, knowing that he does not represent most residents of our state.
Of course, his comments are simply a side show when compared to the harmful policies he has brought forth upon our great state. He blocked the Medicaid expansion thereby throwing many Mainers off the Mainecare rolls in January, and denying many more the opportunity to get vital coverage. He blocked the minimum wage increase, which, quite frankly, was modest. He vetoed a bill that would help parents find out what harmful chemicals might be used in the packaging of their children's food, and the list goes on.
I am still in hopes that somehow, when the legislature gets back to work in January, they can coerce a few more Republican legislators to support the expansion of Medicaid. I can't imagine they are not receiving backlash from their constituents on this issue. I do hope and pray that we can start the ground work for a Lepage defeat in November, so that the state can return to its former progressive path. Please, let the fates be kind and NOT allow us to split the anti-Lepage vote like we did in 2010. To quote the title of the facebook page I started,, Lepage Must Go!
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Its been quite some time since I posted, I have been spending a lot of time managing my Lepage Must Go Facebook page, which has over 2700 likes as of today.
In this time the Maine Ethics Commission's investigation into accusations of illegal campaign activities by Rep Mike Nadeau and his campaign treasurer Phil Soucy have been resolved. Apparently it was a split decision,the charges against Nadeau's campaign treasurer Phil Soucy were dismissed, and the serious allegations of collusion between Mike' campaign and the political group that Soucy was also treasurer of were not proven. Apparently a campaign volunteer did illegally buy an ad for Mike's campaign and this volunteer will be fined.
Interestingly, Nadeau posted a paranoid rant on Facebook a few days prior to the Commission's findings. Also, interestingly, the post was deleted soon after, along with some inflammatory charges put forth by former state Republican Party chair Charlie Webster in the comment section. Luckily I saved the text of both the post by Mike Nadeau and Charlie Webster's comments. This is what Mike posted:
"have not posted in a while because of the allegations pending. hearing on Monday and I think the lynching will be right after. thus far they have done any thing under the sun to discredit and destroy my life, my family, and my store, my friends, and every thing that is good in my life. they use the press and if you look at the press you will see that they have never interviewed me to get the real story. I have not been afforded any way of response since this began in November. a few in the
unbiased real press will get a story that will shock all of you and I hope will spring all of you to action, not for me but for your selves because you could be next. a heartfelt thanks to all my supporters and for those with question s, the answers are coming but not from the media that keeps reporting half stories meant to destroy.
prayers please."
Rep. Mike Nadeau Charlie Webster
I don't know what to make of this and I am waiting for his big tell all revelation concerning the persecution that was brought upon him via this investigation. And as far as the media is concerned, the stories I read concerning the charges were simply statements of the facts surrounding the case. Why do I have a feeling that the "true story" a la Nadeau will never come forth? And as an aside, the use of the word "lynching" is a little extreme and is an insult to the memory of the thousands of African Americans who actually suffered this treatment. I imagine Mike didn't mean to offend.
But far more interesting to me was the comment that Charlie Webster made underneath Mike's post, which was of course, deleted with the post. This is what he wrote:
"I served with John Martin and personally witnessed what he is capable of doing, when he loses. Anyone who thinks that this "investigation" is anything other than John Martin's allies trying to discredit Mike, they need to think again. John Martin has shown that he will say and do anything to
stay in power. The sad thing is that others are doing his bidding."
In 2012 Nadeau defeated long serving Rep John Martin in a close race. Charlie, who apparently recruited Mike to run and helped him corral the support he needed, makes a bald face accusation that John Martin was behind the investigation! Does Webster have proof? I think not, Webster is not big on proof. His allegations of wide spread voter fraud after the 2012 election were never proven.
John Martin
So I am waiting for the proof of the great conspiracy theory put forth by Nadeau and his mentor Webster. I think they owe it to the public. Nadeau accepted public clean election funding for his campaign. With that money comes rules and regulations that are clearly spelled out on the website of the Maine Ethics Commission. And if these charges were politically motivated by the supposedly all powerful Martin, why were some of them dismissed? The Maine Ethics Commission is a bi-partisan group that investigates and rules on possible infractions of clean election rules. The Commission consists of two Democrats, two Republicans, and one independent.
It is no secret that I do not see eye to eye with Mike Nadeau on political issues, but all our elected officials need to explain themselves when they make accusations. Proof is required, not just hearsay. You owe your constituents as much.
In this time the Maine Ethics Commission's investigation into accusations of illegal campaign activities by Rep Mike Nadeau and his campaign treasurer Phil Soucy have been resolved. Apparently it was a split decision,the charges against Nadeau's campaign treasurer Phil Soucy were dismissed, and the serious allegations of collusion between Mike' campaign and the political group that Soucy was also treasurer of were not proven. Apparently a campaign volunteer did illegally buy an ad for Mike's campaign and this volunteer will be fined.
Interestingly, Nadeau posted a paranoid rant on Facebook a few days prior to the Commission's findings. Also, interestingly, the post was deleted soon after, along with some inflammatory charges put forth by former state Republican Party chair Charlie Webster in the comment section. Luckily I saved the text of both the post by Mike Nadeau and Charlie Webster's comments. This is what Mike posted:
"have not posted in a while because of the allegations pending. hearing on Monday and I think the lynching will be right after. thus far they have done any thing under the sun to discredit and destroy my life, my family, and my store, my friends, and every thing that is good in my life. they use the press and if you look at the press you will see that they have never interviewed me to get the real story. I have not been afforded any way of response since this began in November. a few in the
unbiased real press will get a story that will shock all of you and I hope will spring all of you to action, not for me but for your selves because you could be next. a heartfelt thanks to all my supporters and for those with question s, the answers are coming but not from the media that keeps reporting half stories meant to destroy.
prayers please."
Rep. Mike Nadeau Charlie Webster
I don't know what to make of this and I am waiting for his big tell all revelation concerning the persecution that was brought upon him via this investigation. And as far as the media is concerned, the stories I read concerning the charges were simply statements of the facts surrounding the case. Why do I have a feeling that the "true story" a la Nadeau will never come forth? And as an aside, the use of the word "lynching" is a little extreme and is an insult to the memory of the thousands of African Americans who actually suffered this treatment. I imagine Mike didn't mean to offend.
But far more interesting to me was the comment that Charlie Webster made underneath Mike's post, which was of course, deleted with the post. This is what he wrote:
"I served with John Martin and personally witnessed what he is capable of doing, when he loses. Anyone who thinks that this "investigation" is anything other than John Martin's allies trying to discredit Mike, they need to think again. John Martin has shown that he will say and do anything to
stay in power. The sad thing is that others are doing his bidding."
In 2012 Nadeau defeated long serving Rep John Martin in a close race. Charlie, who apparently recruited Mike to run and helped him corral the support he needed, makes a bald face accusation that John Martin was behind the investigation! Does Webster have proof? I think not, Webster is not big on proof. His allegations of wide spread voter fraud after the 2012 election were never proven.
John Martin
So I am waiting for the proof of the great conspiracy theory put forth by Nadeau and his mentor Webster. I think they owe it to the public. Nadeau accepted public clean election funding for his campaign. With that money comes rules and regulations that are clearly spelled out on the website of the Maine Ethics Commission. And if these charges were politically motivated by the supposedly all powerful Martin, why were some of them dismissed? The Maine Ethics Commission is a bi-partisan group that investigates and rules on possible infractions of clean election rules. The Commission consists of two Democrats, two Republicans, and one independent.
It is no secret that I do not see eye to eye with Mike Nadeau on political issues, but all our elected officials need to explain themselves when they make accusations. Proof is required, not just hearsay. You owe your constituents as much.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
As I have blogged previously, I started an anti-Lepage Facebook page which now is closing in on 2000 likes. (1936 currently) Occasionally I get feedback from Lepage fans. Several of them have pointed out accusingly that "you don't like him because he is politically incorrect." Somehow the term, politically incorrect has morphed into something right wingers use to describe any of their heroes who push a more conservative agenda.
Do they really understand what the term politically correct, or in this case incorrect, means? Originally it meant a certain way of speaking "correctly" when talking about issues of race, gender, sexual orientation,etc. In other words, saying mentally handicapped instead of retarded, African American instead of black or colored (or worse) or using gender neutral terms like chairperson instead of chairwoman or chairman. That type of thing. Think of Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" comment. That was clearly a sexist, "politically incorrect" comment.
While Governor Lepage has said politically incorrect things,like when he dismissed BPA worries by saying, "Worse case scenario, some women may have little beards," most of his outrageous comments are just uncouth and rude. These folks who champion Lepage and others of his ilk, are using an inappropriate term ( politically incorrect) to describe the views of their leaders. Or more exactly, the stupid way these leaders express their views, no matter what kind of views those are.
Maybe I am making a big deal over nothing. But it seems to me they are trying to use the term politically correct to describe an orthodoxy that we liberals are trying to enforce upon them that goes far beyond the original meaning. In this way, they can gloss over the abusive and bad mannered histrionics of their leaders, and put the fault on us liberals. We don't like him/her because they disagree and use colorful terms to express their disagreement.
Most of Paul Lepage's many foolish comments are not politically incorrect, they are just plain inappropriate, whether you agree with him or not. People like him have no place in public office, their proper role would be as talking heads on Fox News so they can spout all the shocking comments they want. Hopefully Lepage's supporters, who give all his boorish expressions the misnomer of "politically incorrect," do not have sufficient numbers to enable him to stay in office. Fox news is calling, Gov Lepage.
Do they really understand what the term politically correct, or in this case incorrect, means? Originally it meant a certain way of speaking "correctly" when talking about issues of race, gender, sexual orientation,etc. In other words, saying mentally handicapped instead of retarded, African American instead of black or colored (or worse) or using gender neutral terms like chairperson instead of chairwoman or chairman. That type of thing. Think of Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" comment. That was clearly a sexist, "politically incorrect" comment.
While Governor Lepage has said politically incorrect things,like when he dismissed BPA worries by saying, "Worse case scenario, some women may have little beards," most of his outrageous comments are just uncouth and rude. These folks who champion Lepage and others of his ilk, are using an inappropriate term ( politically incorrect) to describe the views of their leaders. Or more exactly, the stupid way these leaders express their views, no matter what kind of views those are.
Maybe I am making a big deal over nothing. But it seems to me they are trying to use the term politically correct to describe an orthodoxy that we liberals are trying to enforce upon them that goes far beyond the original meaning. In this way, they can gloss over the abusive and bad mannered histrionics of their leaders, and put the fault on us liberals. We don't like him/her because they disagree and use colorful terms to express their disagreement.
Most of Paul Lepage's many foolish comments are not politically incorrect, they are just plain inappropriate, whether you agree with him or not. People like him have no place in public office, their proper role would be as talking heads on Fox News so they can spout all the shocking comments they want. Hopefully Lepage's supporters, who give all his boorish expressions the misnomer of "politically incorrect," do not have sufficient numbers to enable him to stay in office. Fox news is calling, Gov Lepage.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Will Mike Michaud Have A Southern Maine Problem?
Our Governor's race is shaping up to be another three man race here in Maine. This time it would seem that the Democrats have a more viable candidate in Mike Michaud. Michaud has served in the US House of Representatives since 2003, and before that he served for twenty plus years in the Maine Legislature. It would seem he would have broad appeal, with his working man background.
My worry is whether Southern Maine liberals, who tend to rate social issues, including abortion rights, on a higher importance scale, fall in behind Michaud? He is Pro-life, although his record in the House has not been rigidly so. He is also pro-gun rights, although he did support background check expansion. Will his more conservative stance on the these two issues hurt him in the South? Might they be more attracted to Democrat turned independent Eliot Cutler?
Cutler has the advantage of having never had to serve in public office, thereby avoiding a track record that could hurt him with some voters. He touts himself as a business friendly candidate, with liberal views on social issues. Its sort of a trick that Angus King was able to pull off with success in his campaigns. Mike Michaud, coming from a very Pro-Union stance, may not appeal as strongly to the more affluent Southern Maine Democrats and independents.
So why couldn't Cutler have competed in the Democratic Primary against Michaud? This way we Dems, from all over the state, could have made our choice to go up against Paul Lepage. We certainly don't want Cutler and Michaud to spend a lot of time and money fighting one another, when the target should be the embarrassment that is Paul Lepage.
The last issue that I think could affect Michaud negatively is not really a substantive issue at all. Those of us who have seen Mike Michaud speak, realize he is not the most gifted speaker. That alone should not disqualify anyone from running successfully for office. However, in this age of media driven politics, could it, in fact, hurt him with some voters. If Cutler is able to project a more suave, polished image, could this swing some voters his way, and weaken Michaud's Position? After all, Cutler is a successful lawyer with degrees from Harvard Law and Georgetown University.
This brings us to the crux of the problem with the modern Democratic party. In some respects, we have lost our ability to appeal to working people, who worry more about bread and butter issues, than gay marriage or abortion rights. To succeed we need to try not to appear to be the party of the country club liberal elite, who do not care about, or understand, the problems of the average financially strapped voter.
Look, I realize this "country club" comparison hardly describes the majority of Southern Maine Democrats. However, if enough Democrats and independents do fall into that category, it is possible that we could deliver the 2014 election into the hands of Paul Lepage. I hope Eliot Cutler, with his ample personal wealth, and wealthy supporters, does not manage to make this nightmare scenario a reality...again.
My worry is whether Southern Maine liberals, who tend to rate social issues, including abortion rights, on a higher importance scale, fall in behind Michaud? He is Pro-life, although his record in the House has not been rigidly so. He is also pro-gun rights, although he did support background check expansion. Will his more conservative stance on the these two issues hurt him in the South? Might they be more attracted to Democrat turned independent Eliot Cutler?
Cutler has the advantage of having never had to serve in public office, thereby avoiding a track record that could hurt him with some voters. He touts himself as a business friendly candidate, with liberal views on social issues. Its sort of a trick that Angus King was able to pull off with success in his campaigns. Mike Michaud, coming from a very Pro-Union stance, may not appeal as strongly to the more affluent Southern Maine Democrats and independents.
So why couldn't Cutler have competed in the Democratic Primary against Michaud? This way we Dems, from all over the state, could have made our choice to go up against Paul Lepage. We certainly don't want Cutler and Michaud to spend a lot of time and money fighting one another, when the target should be the embarrassment that is Paul Lepage.
The last issue that I think could affect Michaud negatively is not really a substantive issue at all. Those of us who have seen Mike Michaud speak, realize he is not the most gifted speaker. That alone should not disqualify anyone from running successfully for office. However, in this age of media driven politics, could it, in fact, hurt him with some voters. If Cutler is able to project a more suave, polished image, could this swing some voters his way, and weaken Michaud's Position? After all, Cutler is a successful lawyer with degrees from Harvard Law and Georgetown University.
This brings us to the crux of the problem with the modern Democratic party. In some respects, we have lost our ability to appeal to working people, who worry more about bread and butter issues, than gay marriage or abortion rights. To succeed we need to try not to appear to be the party of the country club liberal elite, who do not care about, or understand, the problems of the average financially strapped voter.
Look, I realize this "country club" comparison hardly describes the majority of Southern Maine Democrats. However, if enough Democrats and independents do fall into that category, it is possible that we could deliver the 2014 election into the hands of Paul Lepage. I hope Eliot Cutler, with his ample personal wealth, and wealthy supporters, does not manage to make this nightmare scenario a reality...again.
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