Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Will Mike Michaud Have A Southern Maine Problem?

Our Governor's race is shaping up to be another three man race here in Maine. This time it would seem that the Democrats have a more viable candidate in Mike Michaud. Michaud  has served in the US House of Representatives since 2003, and before that he served for twenty plus years in the Maine Legislature. It would seem he would have broad appeal, with his working man background.

My worry is whether Southern Maine liberals, who tend to rate social issues, including abortion rights, on a higher importance scale, fall in behind Michaud? He is Pro-life, although his record in the House has not been rigidly so. He is also pro-gun rights, although he did support background check expansion. Will his more conservative stance on the these two issues hurt him in the South? Might they be more attracted to Democrat turned independent Eliot Cutler?

Cutler has the advantage of having never had to serve in public office, thereby avoiding a track record that could hurt him with some voters. He touts himself as a business friendly candidate, with liberal views on social issues. Its sort of a trick that Angus King was able to pull off with success in his campaigns. Mike Michaud, coming from a very Pro-Union stance, may not appeal as strongly to the more affluent Southern Maine Democrats and independents.

So why couldn't Cutler have competed in the Democratic Primary against Michaud? This way we Dems, from all over the state, could have made our choice to go up against Paul Lepage. We certainly don't want Cutler and Michaud to spend a lot of time and money fighting one another, when the target should be the embarrassment that is Paul Lepage.

The last issue that I think could affect Michaud negatively is not really a substantive issue at all. Those of us who have seen Mike Michaud speak, realize he is not the most gifted speaker. That alone should not disqualify anyone from running successfully for office. However, in this age of media driven politics, could it, in fact, hurt him with some voters. If Cutler is able to project a more suave, polished image, could this swing some voters his way, and weaken Michaud's Position? After all, Cutler is a successful lawyer with degrees from Harvard Law and Georgetown University.

This brings us to the crux of the problem with the modern Democratic party. In some respects, we have lost our ability to appeal to working people, who worry more about bread and butter issues, than gay marriage or abortion rights. To succeed we need to try not to appear to be the party of the country club liberal elite, who do not care about, or understand, the problems of the average financially strapped voter.

Look, I realize this "country club" comparison hardly describes the majority of Southern Maine Democrats. However, if enough Democrats and independents do fall into that category, it is possible that we could deliver the 2014 election into the hands of Paul Lepage. I hope Eliot Cutler, with his ample personal wealth, and wealthy supporters, does not manage to make this nightmare scenario a reality...again.

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