Friday, May 17, 2013

Rep. Mike Nadeau On The Newtown Massacre. Unbelievable

Another gray day in FK, USA. I just found a post our lovely Republican State House Rep made after the Newtown massacre. Thought it was particularly louthsome. Here is the text:

Some Things To Think About…

As we continue to pray for the families and about what has happened in Ct., lots of questions keep coming and the most common one is why.
It is also one that does not have a single answer. As we ponder on the possibilities some things come to mind.
Sickness… what had this young man been dealing with in his life? Was he on meds that he stopped taking? Violent video games? Did he start taking street drugs?
Where was God?
Well… we did make it illegal for God to be in school to the point of no talk about Him, no books about Him, no clothes with a cross, or His name on it
Some blame it on guns. Just as a speed limit sign does alot to slow down most traffic, it does slow it down. The ten commandments were converted to most laws we live by today and yet we can not post them in public places to remind people that we live by laws.
Reminders are good. If we saw a reminder of the laws to live by, TEN COMMANDMENTS, daily, I am convined that our country would be different.
Also to consider is that our younger generation has seen such a decline in civility and morality in those leading our government. The tax evaders in the white house go unchecked. There is such a disconnect from the white house to the people that the people feel no hope. Our leaders spend billions on elections and inaugerations while people starve and die.
Is this what OUR country was founded on? No! And those principles have been thrashed too. Which one of you will begin today to demand change and bring hope to America?
-  Mike

So if only we had the ten commandments posted in schools and prayed this would not have happened! This guy scares me! How can people be so simplistic.
 -Nat, Secular Humanist

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