Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Apparently the Attorney Generals office is persecuting poor Mike Nadeau. He made an outlandish post on Facebook regarding this.

"hi, came home this weekend to a school board meeting, take care of some store business and spend time with family. also findingout that the attorney general's office has an investigator going around questioning family and others about me and others. one question that was asked to my daughter in law was if my farm was a cult. they came to my store and questioned my employee on my clock. because of the election i won and not being a democrat like the A.G. tons of tax payer money is being spent to dirty my life and hurt all those around me. at the same time look at the news report on all the major news networks today where it is found that the irs is investigating and intimidating republican and tea party groups and individuals at a rate that has never been heard of before. the irs has already started making apologise. i should send them a bill for the hour they took from my store. when will the people say enough? i will not back down no matter what they fabricate to find me guilty of something. to the tax payers and the people of this valley i am sorry for what they are doing to some of you and for the waisted money that could have been spent on real problems. mike thank you to all who have kept an open mind and for all the"

It ends suddenly, I am not sure why.

I imagine it is regarding the campaign issue that is being investigated . Mike of course is trying to claim the whole "right winger being persecuted by Liberal establishment thing."  Apparently he's forgotten about former state Republican Party Chairman Charlie Webster's paranoid and groundless crusade regarding Democratic voter fraud. "Dozens of unfamiliar black people are voting!" according to poor Charlie. I consider this bulls**t a form of persecution myself. Of course Charlie was one of the people that recruited Mike to run. Webster was also the one who made sure the U Maine Farmington Republican students reserved out all the university vans  months ahead of time to prevent students being driven to vote. The students largely vote Democratic apparently.

No one's after you Mike, your being investigated as per the laws of our state that your campaign may have broken laws. GET OVER IT!!

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