Tuesday, June 25, 2013


As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I started a facebook page called "Paul Lepage Must Resign" on June 21st, the day of his tasteless Vaseline outburst. So far we have managed to get over 700 likes. I do realize this is purely symbolic, but I feel its a good way to provide a clearing house for the majority of us Mainers who would like to see the back of this dude.

I also realize that not all people who think King Paul should go are liberal Democrats like myself. Many are more moderate Democrats or Republicans. Many are independent of course. And some probably aren't that interested in politics at all , but have been angered by the bully tactics that this man has used repeatedly. I would even encourage Republicans who care about their party's future in Maine to start a campaign to get a more reasonable member of the GOP to run against Lepage in the primary next year.

Tomorrow the legislature will take up, among other things, the budget, which Lepage vetoed. This may not be perfect, but it was painstakingly put together on a bipartisan basis by both parties in the Legislature. There is a sales tax increase which the Governor does not like. But this increase, which does have an expiry date, will allow some important programs, including Head Start, low cost drugs for the elderly, and job training, to avoid cuts. King Paul wants everything his way, or the highway. Well, he needs to hit the highway.

The Maine Senate will take up the important omnibus energy bill which Lepage vetoed. He was already overridden in the House by a 121 to 11 vote margin. It had most of the things in it he approved of, but that does not satisfy a man who wants to be an absolute monarch of this state. He has no respect for opposing viewpoints.

I want to try to get more people to "like" my Facebook page so I will put a link below.
And here Ray Charles and the Raelettes with a special message for King Paul...

And a later rendition...

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