Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I just heard that the latest attempt to expand Medicaid in Maine as per the Affordable Care Act has passed the house. The bad news is that there are STILL not enough votes to override Governor Lepage's veto. Of course, even if enough Republicans had voted for the bill, providing for a veto proof majority, there is no telling that they might switch their votes to support their King Lepage's veto. They've done this before.

In case you don't know, this latest effort would have only approved the expansion for three years, during which time the Feds would pay 100% of the cost. Thereafter the State would have the option to withdraw rather than cover a small portion of the funding itself. This was a no brainer, but we are dealing with a brainless Republican party. What they are saying is that it is unfair to expand Medicaid while we still have mentally and physically disabled people on a waiting list for services. This is nothing but a ploy to excuse their heartless vote against expansion. They want to pit two different groups of needy Mainers against one another. Of course, we need to address this waiting line for disabled people, but the Medicaid expansion involves funds specifically earmarked  for specific groups of people provided under The Affordable Care Act. Why punish one group of people in need because another group is also in need? It seems more sensible to accept these extra funds and try to tackle the separate issue of a waiting line for disability services.

I am equally outraged that my state representative, Mike Nadeau, voted with most of the rest of his Republican colleagues against the latest attempt at expansion. This guy is a stooge of King Paul. Again, many of his constituents will lose because of his ignorance. I cannot imagine what he was thinking unless he just takes the right wing dogma spewed forth by some of his fellow Republicans at face value. I wonder how many people who have done business at his store  would benefit themselves personally, or have family and friends, who would benefit from healthcare expansion coverage. Apparently this does not occur to this guy. Shame on you Mike Nadeau!!!

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